[GSC] 2019 Spring LTE Language Exchange Program

*Original Site: http://portal.korea.ac.kr/front/Main.kpd

1. Program: LTE (Learning by Teaching Experience) Language Exchange Program

2. Objectives: 
 1) To build rapport among Korean and International students.
 2) To share and learn multicultural idea and experiences.
 3) To learn Korean (for Int’l students), To learn foreign languages (for Korean students)

3. Qualifications:
 1) For ALL: 
  a) Students who have enrolled for the 2019 Spring semester.(Seoul campus only)
  b) Students who are ready to take full responsibility for making this program successful. 
 2) For Int’l students: 
  a) those who are passionate to learn Korean.
  b) those who are ready to teach their mother tongue diligently.
 3) For Korean students: 
  a) those who are committed to teaching.
  b) those who are keen on learning foreign languages.

4. How to apply and start the program
 1) Application period: March 7 (Thu) - March 13 (Wed) 16:00 pm
 2) How to apply : Complete Step1 and 2 to complete your registration.  

  Step1. Submission of online application

   - International (KU undergraduate, exchange/visiting) students : https://goo.gl/forms/fzTjGfkzUBPJIPxx1

   - Korean students : https://goo.gl/forms/1wS4JtgoAyopoiul2

  Step2. Submission in person

   - All : 2019 Spring LTE Language Exchange Program application form and letter of oath (Please find the form attached)
 3) Receive confirmation email from GSC on March 18 (Mon), it also includes; 
   - Partner information: Name, Exchange language information, Email address, KakaoTalk ID 
 4) Check our mandatory orientation schedule, and attend it with your partner.
 5) Start the program with your partner.
  * Those who can’t attend the orientation, must visit us with your partner for a separate session.
   (Through Monday to Friday, between 9 am to 5 pm, lunch break 12 pm-1pm) 
5. Things to note
 1) After submitting the online application, please hand in your application and letter of oath in person too.

     Email submission can not be accepted.
 2) Please be informed that you are to take full responsibility to make language exchange successful upon the GSC

 3) Please note that the center does not issue any official documents confirming your participation as it is a voluntary


6. Contact

Location: #104A, Central Plaza
Tel: 02-3290-5173,5174,5179 (9 am - 17:30 pm)
Email: gsc@korea.ac.kr
Website: https://gsc.korea.ac.kr


1) 'Ko' from the School of Media and Communication & 'K' from the University of New South Wales, Australia

- 그동안 외국인 친구를 만날 수 있는 기회가 거의 없었어서, 대학에 들어오면 외국인 친구와 친해지는 것이 대학생활 로망 중 하나였어요! 이 프로그램을 통해 정말 감사하게도 저랑 잘 맞는 호주에서 온 교환학생 언니와 파트너가 되는 기회를 선물 받았습니다! 처음 만났을 땐 영어로 말하려니 정말 어색하기도 했지만 언니가 제가 말할때까지 기다려주고 많이 웃어준 덕분에 더 편하게 영어로 의사소통 할 수 있게 되었어요! 시간표를 확인하고 어떻게든 비는 시간을 찾아 일주일에 2번씩 만났어요.

무엇보다 가장 좋았던 건 외국인 친구만이 알려줄 수 있는 외국 문화에 대해 이야기하고 알아갈 수 있다는 것였어요. 서로 인스타 팔로우도 했고, 앞으로 한국과 호주를 서로 놀러가기도 하면서 오래 보는 친구 사이로 남고 싶어요!

- In many ways she was the perfect match for me; in terms of skills, goals and topics. We never ran out of things to talk about! We spent time together 2 times a week dedicating one session to talking in English and then Korean, and then another session in reading material related to our major in the language we were learning. She was helpful in explaining new words clearly and I am now able to incorporate them into my everyday talk! She helped me to learn useful phrases that Koreans would say beyond awkward textbook phrases and trendy new words that are used in Korean society today!
She was a lovely partner and I never felt afraid to speak Korean in front of her. I think my confidence and pronunciation has improved immensely due to her encouragement and gentle reminders. 
I had a lot of fun meeting a new friend and would definitely recommend this program to anyone who wants to improve their language skills in the most natural way possible.


2) 'Han' from the College of Liberal Arts & 'A' from St.Edward's University, USA

- 다음 학기 교환학생 파견에 합격하여 파견 전 영어를 공부하고 싶어 이번 LTE프로그램을 신청하였습니다. 저의 목표는 외국인과의 대화에 대한 두려움을 없애고, 더 다양한 영어 표현을 공부하는 것이었습니다.

우리는 학교에서 만나 일주일에 2번, 45분 동안은 ‘한국어 시간’을 45분은 ‘English Time’을 가졌습니다. 저는 집에서 하루에 1개씩 짧은 영작문을 했고, 이에 대해 LTE프로그램 시간에 파트너가 잘못된 표현이 있으면 고쳐주었습니다.

'한국어 시간!'에는 주로 파트너가 학교에서 듣는 <한국어 강의>시간에서 몰랐던 표현을 알려주거나 한국어 말하기 수업의 발표를 준비하였습니다. 이러한 표현을 연습할 때 우리의 주제는 주로 ‘한국’과 ‘미국’ 혹은 ‘유럽’의 문화였습니다. 예를 들어, '이상형’ 이라는 단어를 유럽에서는 쓰지 않아 이해가 잘 가지 않는다고 했습니다. 다양한 인종과 사람이 살기 때문에 기준이 너무 다양해서 ‘키가 큰 사람이 이상형이다’ 라는 말이 어색하게 들린다고 했습니다. 이외에도 청소년기 스마트폰 중독, 학교 제도 등 여러가지 이야기를 나누면서 서로 다른 문화를 알려주고 이해할 수 있었던 좋은 기회였습니다.

- This language exchange program has been one of my favorite parts of this semester. Having somewhere to talk comfortably and ask questions has greatly improved my confidence in speaking Korean! Getting to know my partner has been very special too! We met twice a week so I have been able to get to know her and her life which is very special. It can be difficult for exchange students to bond with Korean students so the exchange program has allowed me to meet a friend I would not have met otherwise! Because of her I have become more comfortable expressing myself in Korean as well as becoming better at explaining my native language. I hope many exchange students will join this program in the future so that they can benefit from the language exchange and friendship!


3) 'Park' from the College of Engineering & 'Y(Malaysian)' from the College of Engineering

- 단순히 언어를 배울 수 있을 뿐만 아니라  그 나라의 문화에 대해서 알 수 있는 좋은 기회가 되었다.

- I was so glad to be matched with a partner from the same department with me. We discussed academics a lot and he helped me a lot in the preparation of TOPIK exam.

* Why you should participate? 이 프로그램을 신청해야 하는 이유?
* Learn a different language during casual lunch or dinner! 편한 시간에 파트너와 점심이나 저녁 식사를 하면서 서로 다른 언어를 배울 수 있는 기회!  
* Able to make new friend from other country. 다른 나라에서 온 새로운 친구를 만들 수 있는 기회!
* A good buddy for each other in academics and life in Korea. 학교생활과 한국의 유학생활을 서로 도와 줄 수 있는 친구를 만날 수 있는 기회!