[Original site: http://portal.korea.ac.kr/front/Main.kpd?language=en]

We hope you did well on your final exams and are enjoying the summer vacation that has just arrived.

The Office of Academic Affairs has worked with the General Students Association to introduce small steps of change to the undergraduate course registration system for the 2nd semester of 2018.


Refer to news link:


As described in the articles linked above, the revised system focuses on instructors’ adjusting class enrollment quotas to meet actual student registration demand. This does not mean that every course can adjust its quota to the level students demand due to limitations of classroom number and size or effective class operation. 
However, we will continue to upgrade the course registration system along with the classroom environment.

For more details, please refer to the attached file, 
“Q&A for the Revised Course Registration System for the 2nd Semester 2018.” 

Do not miss the “preferred course listing” July 31 (Tue.) – August 3 (Fri.)